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Eunice Wilson



Little Sewing Society was founded and is run by Eunice Wilson, a Designer/Maker living in Cheltenham. Eunice works with vintage fabric, paper and leather. She transforms unloved and mishapen raw materials into jewellery and decorations for the home.

A previous life as a teacher and a love of literature, fuels her passion for learning and knowledge. She has developed a range of sewing kits that teach children and adults how to sew little felt creations.

As well as running two online shops, Eunice collaborates throughout the year with her fiance Alex Beeching, on installation projects for Cheltenham Festivals and Bloomsbury Festival, London.

Future plans inlcude a book of patterns and a paper pop-up kit for children. Eunice is very keen to collaborate with other artists and to take commissions - drop her a line: littlesewingsociety@gmail.com



Eunice makes:

Sewing Kits : Owl, Penguin, Hedgehog, Red and Grey Squirrels and a Corsage.



Jewellery for Book Lovers: Recycled leather and paper miniature books made into necklaces, cufflinks, brooches, rings.




Book Bunting: Old, second hand books collected from charity shops and skips upcycled into pretty decor for the home and studio.




Wonkies: Limited Edition plushies made from recycled fabric and hand sewn features.











Website: www.littlesewingsociety.co.uk

Contact: littlesewingsociety@gmail.com


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